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Era of Spatial Computing

Spatial Computing

Tim Cook, CEO, Apple recently tweeted “The era of spatial computing has arrived! ”, announcing the release of their new device the Apple Vision Pro.

In a blogpost targeting developers who want to create apps for their headset, Apple announced “Refer to your app as a spatial computing app. Don’t describe your app experience as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), extended reality (XR), or mixed reality (MR)”.

So what exactly is Spatial Computing?


Spatial Computing

Spatial computing is an umbrella term for all VR, AR, XR, MR, etc.
It refers to the use of space as a fundamental element in the interaction between humans and computers. It goes beyond traditional computing, which often relies on two-dimensional interfaces and screens, by incorporating the three-dimensional physical space into the computing experience. This technology aims to create more immersive, intuitive, and natural interactions between users and digital information. 

Spatial Computing typically uses sensors, such as RGB cameras, depth cameras, 3D trackers, Inertial measurement unit, or other tools to sense and track nearby human bodies (including our hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouths) during our ordinary interactions with people and computers in a 3D space. It further uses computer vision (AI / Ml) to attempt to understand real world scenes, such as rooms, streets or stores, to read labels, to recognize objects, create 3D maps, and more. Quite often it also uses Extended Reality and Mixed reality to superimpose virtual 3D graphics and virtual 3D audio onto the human visual and auditory system as a way of providing information more naturally and contextually than traditional 2D screens.

Key components of spatial computing include:

Augmented Reality (AR): AR overlays digital information onto the physical world, enhancing real-world experiences. Users can see and interact with digital content, such as graphics, text, or 3D models, seamlessly integrated with their surroundings through devices like smartphones, smart glasses, or AR headsets.

Virtual Reality (VR): VR immerses users in entirely synthetic, computer-generated environments. It typically involves the use of VR headsets that block out the real world and replace it with a simulated one, providing a fully immersive and interactive experience.

Mixed Reality (MR): MR combines elements of both the physical and digital worlds, allowing digital content to interact with the real environment and vice versa. This creates a more seamless integration of virtual and real-world elements, often achieved through devices like Microsoft HoloLens or Magic Leap.

Holography: Holography involves creating three-dimensional images, or holograms, that can be viewed without special glasses. In the context of spatial computing, holographic displays add depth and realism to visualizations, enabling more immersive and interactive experiences.

Applications of Spatial Computing:

  1. Augmented Reality (AR) in Retail:
    • Virtual Try-On: AR allows customers to virtually try on clothing, accessories, or even makeup before making a purchase, enhancing the online shopping experience.
    • In-Store Navigation: AR-powered apps guide customers through stores, providing real-time information about products, promotions, and the layout of the store.
  2. Virtual Reality (VR) in Training and Simulation:
    • Medical Training: VR simulations enable medical professionals to practice surgeries and medical procedures in a realistic and risk-free virtual environment.
    • Flight Simulation: Pilots undergo VR-based flight simulations to hone their skills in a controlled and immersive setting.
  3. Mixed Reality (MR) in Design and Collaboration:
    • Architectural Visualization: MR facilitates the collaborative design and visualization of architectural projects, allowing stakeholders to interact with 3D models in real-time.
    • Product Design: Engineers and designers can work together in a mixed reality environment, manipulating and examining virtual prototypes before physical production.
  4. Healthcare and Medical Imaging:
    • Surgical Navigation: AR is used in surgery to overlay critical information, such as 3D images or patient data, onto the surgeon’s field of view for enhanced precision.
    • Patient Education: MR applications allow healthcare providers to explain medical conditions to patients using interactive 3D models.
  5. Gaming and Entertainment:
    • Immersive Gaming: VR provides gamers with fully immersive experiences, transporting them to virtual worlds and enhancing gameplay.
    • Augmented Reality Games: AR games, like Pokémon GO, overlay digital elements onto the real world, creating interactive and location-based gaming experiences.
  6. Education and Training:
    • Virtual Field Trips: VR takes students on virtual field trips, providing immersive educational experiences without leaving the classroom.
    • Collaborative Learning: MR enables collaborative learning experiences where students and teachers interact with digital content in a shared space.
  7. Manufacturing and Industrial Maintenance:
    • Assembly Assistance: AR guides workers in manufacturing settings by overlaying step-by-step instructions on equipment or products during assembly.
    • Maintenance Support: Technicians use AR to access real-time information and instructions for equipment maintenance, reducing downtime.
  8. Navigation and Wayfinding:
    • AR Navigation Apps: AR navigation apps overlay directions and points of interest onto the real world, making navigation more intuitive for pedestrians and drivers.
    • Indoor Navigation: AR helps users navigate complex indoor spaces, such as airports or shopping malls, with real-time guidance.
  9. Collaboration and Communication:
    • Virtual Meetings: Spatial computing enhances virtual meetings by creating shared spaces where participants can interact with 3D models or presentations.
    • Remote Collaboration: MR facilitates collaborative work environments, allowing team members to collaborate on projects in real-time regardless of physical location.
  10. Smart Cities and Urban Planning:
    • Urban Visualization: Spatial computing aids in urban planning by visualizing proposed developments and infrastructure projects in the actual cityscape.
    • Public Engagement: AR applications engage citizens in urban planning processes by allowing them to experience and provide feedback on proposed changes in their environment.

Future Implications and Conclusion

The future of spatial computing holds immense promise, shaping the way we interact with information and each other. As technology continues to advance, we can anticipate more natural and intuitive interfaces, with gestures, voice commands, and eye tracking becoming integral components of human-computer interaction. Wearable technology is expected to evolve, providing more compact and sophisticated devices for seamless integration into our daily lives.

The transformative potential of spatial computing extends beyond individual experiences to revolutionize industries and societal dynamics. As the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds blur, spatial computing opens up unprecedented possibilities for communication, collaboration, and data visualization in three-dimensional space. In embracing this digital frontier, we embark on a journey where innovation knows no bounds, and the convergence of the virtual and real becomes the new norm.


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